Monday, May 26, 2008

T Minus 4 Weeks!!!

OK folks this is the first post of the entire pregnancy but it's been pretty uneventful...any post would have been pretty boring and you would have stopped reading them by now! We are down to just about 4 weeks to the due date but I doubt I will make it that far. Friday the doctor said I was 75% effaced already - insane!! We'll see how much progress is made by my next appointment, which is this Friday. I plan to work up until I go into labor unless I am on the verge of labor or something one night and know it's coming.

Yesterday we were in Washington for Memorial Day weekend and to say goodbye to the wandering white people (aka my siblings-in-law). We went fishing and had a great time, and got to take some pictures of my huge belly.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hootchie Baby Shower

My hootchies (aka local ho's) took me out for a shower lunch on May 17! They are so sweet. It was April, Kari, Michelle & Molly. The Eagleview girls took me to the Malibu Grill and I had a delicious pizza, and I watched them drink 'tinis :) I had my sparkling water! They got my cute little outfits for dear daughter and Aliya (Kari's daughter), who absolutely adores Lucas, gave us a pink bib that says "I Love Daddy" just for him. Too sweet.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Allison Baby Shower

Luke's family threw us an awesome baby shower on Mother's day weekend! We had a blast. No gender discrimination there - it was come one, come all! It meant so much to mommy because she's away from all her friends and family. We got so many necessities from our registry and tons of gifts that we didn't even know we needed (you mean we need burp cloths???).